El Faro Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church: Understanding Loans

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Fincademy had our first Donuts and Dough seminar, hosted at the El Faro Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church (El Faro) in Woburn, MA. We had a mixed audience of both adults and teenagers. Arav, Som, and I, presented on the topic of loans, specifically on college loans and utilizing FAFSA to minimize educational costs. However, before getting into the college aspect, we went over the basics of loans, as well as auto, home, and credit card loans.

As for the seminar itself, we incorporated a mixture of interactive elements, including videos, questions, and a crowd-favorite: Jeopardy. For the Jeopardy game, we organized the audience into multiple teams, and had them compete against each other to answer various questions based on the presentational material. The winning team then was awarded candy bars, which brought large smiles to their faces. In addition, cookies were given out to those who actively participated in our presentation and answered questions. And, of course, donuts were given to all who attended!

Overall, this experience proved to be both educational and fun for the people at El Faro. The atmosphere was consistently lively, and the audience was clearly engaged and committed to learning about loans. At the conclusion of the event, there was great interest in us coming back to present on additional financial literacy topics, including both investing and retirement. We would like to thank  El Faro for having us.

Sahil Dua

Presentation Slides:

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSteIED4dTYCcra4KkufiTocUp9do7IZbXQ1MZ8xA2GLhI_bBfQNvkdTi65OfcMMR5e4jvG2ymek-tJ/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>